
February 3, 2022

Covid-19 Management

Post Views: 838 Covid-19 Management Covid-19 Management – Covid-19 is no longer a new buzz in the world as of today, most of us have been affected by it; in one way or the other. We have been hearing of this term since November 2019 when the entire world was getting ready to welcome 2020 as a magical year to come and we were ending a decade of digital era with new discoveries in technology, artificial intelligence and IoT etc. No one believed that the upcoming year will turn their lives upside-down and bring the healthcare industry on top of […]
July 22, 2020

Six Business Lessons I Have Learned from CoVID-19 Crisis

Post Views: 721 Six Business Lessons I Have Learned from CoVID-19 Crisis – With the uprising of the situation of the corona virus pandemic, the whole economies were affected majorly. Due to Covid-19 they have been major economic crisis faced by various countries that blocks all the world trades, life and businesses. This crisis is a global humanitarian challenge the world is facing currently which is not only a threat to the live but also to the livelihood. India has deal with the current situation by opting for the right measures at the right time that somehow help the curve […]
July 15, 2020

What is Hand Sanitizer, And Does it Keep Your Hands Germ-Free?

Post Views: 830 Hand sanitizer is a fluid, gel, commonly used to kill bacteria or germs on the hands. In many ways, handwashing with cleanser and water is by and large preferred by people. Hand sanitizer is less messy and quickly eliminate sorts of germs, for example, norovirus and Clostridium.  As not at all like cleanser and water can do that. Sometimes in the market, some low-quality hand sanitizers are also available so please avoid it. Companies like Biocorp, provide its very genuine and effective hand sanitizer franchise in the market and definitely you can rely on the quality.
June 17, 2020

Coronavirus Impact on India’s pharma Sector

Post Views: 750 Coronavirus Impact on India’s pharma Sector – Well, Covid-19 pandemic has spread all over the world. China originated virus has hit the boundaries of India on 3rd January 2020 when the first case of the coronavirus infected patient-reported from Kerala. The patient had some travel history from Wuhan, China. To stop the spread of COVID-19, the Honourable P.M declare nationwide lockdown in the country. Initially, it was for 21 days but now it has extended to two months till today. Also, the vaccine for battling against this virus has not been found until today. Researchers and doctors […]
May 27, 2020

Steps Pharma Companies Taking to Tackle COVID-19

Post Views: 706 Steps Pharma Companies Taking to Tackle COVID-19 – India is recognized as one of the largest Pharmaceutical industries on the global stage. India is the largest Provider of Generic drugs and enjoys An important position in Pharmaceutical Sector across the World. Being a very large country, the need of Healthcare is an integral thing in the country and pharma being a big sector tries to meet the needs of people. This current situation is unforeseen and impacted many sectors drastically- Pharma is one of them but the Pharmaceutical sector has come up to combat Covid 19 and […]
May 13, 2020

Coronavirus Precautions for Those With Lung Disease

Post Views: 788 Coronavirus Precautions for Those With Lung Disease  – Well, we all know that the outbreak of Coronavirus in China has spread all over the world. People who are suffering from respiratory problems, lung disease, heart problems, and chronic medical conditions are at high risk of incurring critical indications for the COVID-19. Currently, there is no treatment is available for curing COVID-19. Several clinical trials and experimental procedures are conducted to find out its curable treatment.
May 9, 2020

Could Donated Plasma Help People Heal From COVID-19?

Post Views: 850 Could Donated Plasma Help People Heal From COVID-19? – The outbreak of Coronavirus in China has widely spread all over the world. It is also known as COVID-19. The COVID-19 is caused by an infection with the new Coronavirus, sars-CoV-2, which is one of the multiple coronaviruses that can be transferred to humans. This pandemic has shaken the whole pharmaceutical industry and other medical care facilities. Millions of people are suffering from this incurable diseases. More than 250,000 + people have been died from this fatal disease until now. This harmful virus is spreading at a faster pace […]
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